Board of Directors
It is the mission of the Westlund Board of Directors to promote and support the mission of the Westlund Guidance Clinic.
The Counseling and Therapy Services Clinic’s mission is to improve the mental health and life adjustment of our consumers and the quality of life in our community through providing psychiatric assessment, treatment and educational services to children, families and adults.
John Dunn, Home Office Enterprises, Inc.
Kim Johnson, Director of Social Work Field Education, Saginaw Valley State University
Brittany Jeffers, Victim Services Unit Coordinator, Saginaw Police Department
Jennifer Shores, Director, Saginaw County DHHS
Jayne Roth, Controller, SVRC Industries, Inc.
Yolanda Bellinger, Chief Clinical Officer, SVRC Industries, Inc.
Denise M. Berry, President/CEO, SVRC Industries, Inc.